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 姓  名:尤进红                               

 职  称:教授                     



 E - mail:johnyou07@163.com                   



1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,11971291,复杂纵向/函数型数据的建模及一致稳健和有效统计推断, 2019/01-2023/12在研,主持。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目11471203, 纵向数据的动态半参数建模及其统计推断, 2015/01-2018/12已结题,主持。

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目11071154, 具有多个响应的纵向数据的半参数与结构非参数统计建模及其推断, 2011/01-2013/12已结题,主持。





加拿大女皇大学(University of Regina )统计学博士,韦德官方网站副教授、博士生导师。Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (QTQM), special issue: Mathematical and Statistical Finance的客座编委(Guest Editor)。 尤进红博士有十余年的北美学习、工作经历。长期从事计量经济学、数理统计以及生物统计的科学研究。在半参数,非参数,回归建模估计,检验及其应用他们到经济学以及生物医学方面开展了许多有价值的研究工作,在国际和国内著名的统计和经济学杂志上发表学术论文四十余篇,其中三大检索论文将近三十篇。被SCI他引超过一百五十余次。参加和主持了包括商品期货交易风险监控,气候变化预测,流行病预防和预报,新药开发,多个响应面板数据建模等在内的多个国际和国内项目。其研究成果获得了国内外同行的肯定。曾获教育部新世纪人才计划支持。


2003/09-2006/07Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A, Postdoctoral research associate fellow

1998/09- 2002/09University of Regina, Canada. Ph.D. degree in Statistics. Supervisor:

Gemai Chen

1995/09- 1999/07,华东师范大学,统计系,理学博士。导师:茆诗松

1992/09- 1995/07,华东师范大学,统计系,理学硕士。

1988/09- 1992/07,扬州师范学院,数学系,理学学士



2018/06-目前,韦德官方网站,统计管理学院,Tenured 教授


2015/06-目前,韦德官方网站,统计管理学院,Tenured 副教授

2009/06-2015/06,韦德官方网站,统计管理学院,副教授(on tenure track

2006/09- 2009/06Department of Biostatistics, INC Research, Raliegh, U.S.A


2002/09- 2003/05Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Research associate fellow


1.Wang, S.X., Huang, T., Cheng, M.Y. and You, J.H. (2021+)Nonparametric M-estimation of a periodic time series with additive covariates and a smooth trend. Accepted by Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.

2.Pei, Y.Q., Huang, T., Peng, H. and You, J.H. (2021+)Network-based Clustering for Varying Coefficient Panel Data Models. Accepted by  Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.

3.Guan, X., Zhou, Y. and You, J.H. (2021+)  Estimation and Inference for Dynamic Single-Index Varying-Coefficient Models. Accepted by  Statistica Sinica.

4.Huang, Q., You, J.H. and Zhang, L.W. (2021+) Time-varying Additive Model for Longitudinal/Functional Data.  Accepted by Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.

5.李季杨霖、王守霞、尤进红 (2021+)具有周期特征的离散时间序列的非参数可加模型。《数学学报》, 接受。 

6.Hu, L.X., Huang, T. and You, J.H. (2021).Robust Inference  for Varying-Coefficient Additive Model with Longitudinal/Functional Data. Statistica Sinica, 31, 773-796.

7.王守霞, 黄涛, 尤进红 (2021).存在趋势和周期特征的非平稳时间序列的建模及其应用。中国科学,52, 1-20.

8.Liu, H., Cao, J.G. and You, J.H. 2020+A Dynamic Interaction Semiparametric Function-on-Scalar Model. Accepted by  Journal of American Statistical Association.

9.Leng, C.R, Li, R. and You, J.H. (2020+). Tail Index Semiparametric Estimation. Accepted by Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.

10.李涛, 胡建华,尤进红 (2020).局部平稳时间序列时变单指标变系数模型及统计推断。中国科学511609-1630.

11.Hu, L.X., Huang, T. and You, J.H. (2019). Estimation and Identification of a Varying-Coecient Additive Model for Locally Stationary Processes. Journal of American Statistical Association, 114, 1191-1204.

12.Hu, L.X., Huang, T. and You, J.H. (2019). Estimation and Testing of Time-varying Additive Model for Nonstationary Time Series.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 130, 94-110.

13.Pei, Y., Huang, T. and You, J.H. (2018). Nonparametric Model for Panel Data with Fixed Effects and Locally Stationary Regressors. Journal of Econometrics, 202(2), 286-305.

14.Li, R., Leng, C.L. and You, J.H. (2017). A Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Non-stationary Errors. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44,932-950.

15. Li, R., Wan, A. and You, J.H. (2016). Semiparametric GMM Estimation and Variable Selection in Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 100, 401-423.

16.Hu, J.H., Zhou, X. and You, J.H. (2017) Efficient Estimation of Fixed Effects Panel Data Partially Linear Models with Heteroscedastic Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 154, 96-111.

17.Liu, S., Lian, H. and You, J.H. (2017). Time-Varying Nonparametric Mean-Covariance Regression Analysis for Longitudinal Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 156, 116-136.

18. Wan, A., You, J.H. and Zhang, R.Q. (2016). A Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Additive Model with Autoregressive Errors. Econometric Reviews. 35(5), 894–928.






5.2010年获韦德官方网站科研“中振奖”1 项。获奖论文“Statistical inference in a panel data semiparametric regression model with serially correlated errors”。
